M1- Compare and contrast the use of digital platforms for delivering interactive media products

A platform is a service where you can interact with features on a media product to find out information or for entertainment. 


A webpage can be found on the internet and is a platform that allows users a research about a company, campaign or topic etc. An example of a Website is the BBC website where you can search for a plethora of categories ranging from news to sports. https://prolificmarketing.org/2013/06/the-importance-of-a-quality-website/ this is an article that gives reasoning to it is important to have a high quality webpage. The advantages of a website are that you can access them on any device as long as you have an internet connection or mobile data. This means you can use webpages at home on your computer or on the go on your phone in public. The disadvantages of a website is that you need to pay for an internet provider such as Sky so you can have a connection and use the webpages. This also the same for mobile data because when you run out of data you need to buy top up. 


A blog is a place where people can write down their thoughts, ideas for a project and opinions in chronological order. Blogs are a public service so other users can come across your blog and comment so this can create a debate or a conversation within your blog therefore increasing activity. https://www.blogtyrant.com/why-blogging-is-a-waste-of-your-time/ this is a article about whether blogging is worth it. The benefits of a blog is that they are open to everyone so anyone is free to give their opinions on the blog. 


An app is platform that is downloaded on you phone and is used for many reasons. The reason for this is that there are multiple types of apps for example, there are apps that are games, some that are news and informational and some that are for reading purposes. The advantages to an app is that since it is on your phone you can use it at home or away from home as your phone is a portable device. So you can play games in the rain or while waiting for bus. 

Multimedia, CD/DVD, kiosk:

A CD or a DVD is a disk that contains content whether it is a film or music. DVDs are good because you don't need to download any data off the internet as it is stored in a physical object. However, the downside to a CD or DVD is that you need somewhere to put the disk in like a DVD player or you cannot access the content. A kiosk is a platform installed into shopping centers so customers can search navigate their way through the machines to find where certain products are in store. The positives to a kiosk is that it is a fixed machine so you don't need an internet connection to use. The issue with kiosks are that they are very expensive to fix or replace.

Interactive TV:

An interactive TV is a platform where you can watch TV on a large screen with really high quality. Also, an interactive TV has more features than a standard TV as you can use apps such as Netflix and YouTube on an interactive TV. The downsides to an interactive TV is that they are very expensive and people in the C2 or D class won't be able to afford the product.

Mobile devices 

The advantages of a mobile device is that they are small so they are easily portable which means you can take them out. This allows users access to the internet whenever they need even if they are away from home. However, for this to work the consumer needs an internet connection or mobile data which can be costly. In addition, due to their small size, mobile devices can commonly be forgotten about and left in a certain location. 


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