
Showing posts from February, 2022

LO4: Testing


Image optimisation

  These images would have been 8.5MB if I did not export and shrink the file size. This would of made my website much larger than it needs to be and it would take a long time to load images especially if someone has a slow internet connection. The images need to be around 200KB for the website to load fast making the functionality better and people will use it again as it reliable. 

LO3- Justify interactivity

I plan to include interactive features such as google maps, quizzes and functioning links on my site as that will mean my website will be easily accessible and enjoyable to use. I plan to use of some of the pages from the Raving Reds fanzine which I created as this will give the audience an example of the fanzine of what's in the fanzine which may persuade people to purchase the full issue if they like what they see. The only way I will change the images is by changing the file size so that my website will not take a long time to load.  I have changed the file size of this image from 8.5MB 200KB, this will make my website better to use as it will load faster. If the website takes a long time to load, people will become inpatient and probably click off resulting in a lack of customers.  I used google maps on the next away day page where is showed the location of the oppositions ground so fans know here it is. Also, I have maps of the pubs near the ground so the fans can enjoy t...

LO2- Legal and Ethical issues

In this report I will talk about the legal and ethical issues relating to my website and what I will do to prevent getting in trouble.  Firstly, I will ensure that my site will not contain any copyrighted images as that could end up in the original creator flagging my site and taking me to court. This will be easy for me to comply with as the images I am going to use are images of the magazine I have created myself. If I wish to use other creators images I will need to either log through the source of the image to see if they allow use or I will need to contact the owner of the image and ask if I can use it for educational purposes.  Since I have a contacts page, customers will be sending in their contact details so under the data protection act, I cannot release the contact details of my audience as they maybe spammed or contacted by scammers. To prevent this I won't share private details with anyone so they cannot be spread about. Also, if customers pay for their copy on Zin...